The Compendium of Measures is a repository of existing measures and tools relevant to cross-sector aligning. It was curated by the Georgia Health Policy Center during the initial development of the TEAM. Many of the measures and tools in the Compendium of Measures served as raw materials for creating the three assessments in the TEAM.

How to Use the Compendium of Measures

Users can search the Compendium of Measures to identify the measures and tools that they feel will be most helpful in their unique setting. Users can search the text in the tool, browse by row, or filter by column values. Citations are provided and link to the original sources.

The Compendium of Measures is designed to grow as new measures and tools become available or are identified. Please contact the Georgia Health Policy Center if you have a measure or tool you would like to add to the Compendium of Measures.

A Compendium of Measures

A repository of relevant measures and tools for cross-sector aligning

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